Friday, September 11, 2020

First Week of School- From the Teachers' Perspective

Our biggest take-away from this week is what a great group of students this is! 

There is an amazing chemistry among them and they were very supportive of one another. They were eager to share their knowledge with the intention of helping everyone succeed.

While we began with many tech issues, things are falling into place and we are beginning to get a sense of the routines we will need to have to accomplish the curricular goals of the district. In a way, it’s like we are putting together a 100 piece puzzle. We definitely have found the corners and are close to having the entire edge in place, but together we are going to have to work hard to fill in the center.

Right now it feels a little like those pieces are still in a big messy pile but with time, patience, and tenacity, there’s no doubt we will succeed! It’s definitely a fluid situation and we will continue to monitor and adjust!  

Our big affective piece this week was met through the reading of the charming book Only One You by Linda Kranz.  It was a great choice to start our time together because it touched on many concepts such as positive thinking, encouragement, character traits, working successfully with others and individuality.  Besides conversations from the heart and sharing of experiences, we have two tangible pieces left in our classroom from this book.  First, we designed our own unique fish following the artistic style of the author.  We also shared one of our favorite positive messages on the back of our fish.  We have those hanging proudly in our classroom and hope they continue to reinforce our positive attitudes.  We also developed five class rules within the scope of “positive, stand out behaviors.”

  1. Be kind and respectful to everyone.

  2. Know when to speak, know when to listen, and know when to work quietly.

  3. Follow directions the first time they are given.

  4. Walk quietly in the building with our hands by our side.

  5. Keep our work area neat and organized.

Together, we will make this a wonderful year!


  1. What a great group! Fun pictures. You guys have got this!

    1. Thank you for taking time to leave us a comment! They are a wonderful group of children. They are kind, conscientious and hard working!

  2. Dear HC Learning Pod. I really enjoyed reading more detail about your first week. I think I need to ask better questions about everything you do each day! I saw the rules you created on the wall and I was curious - how many ideas did you have for your class behaviors and how did you decide as a team to select these five? I like all of them, especially "be kind and respectful to everyone." I can't wait to keep reading your posts.

    With anticipation,
    Palmer's Mom

  3. Hi HC Learning Pod. I’m so excited you all are doing this blog. What a great idea Mrs. Koch! My family loves that we’ll be able to watch your learning experiences from Illinois. Have a great year.

    Palmer’s Aunt Whitney

    1. Thank you Whitney for leaving us a comment! I am looking forward to the students having a chance to document our learning in their personal blog posts. We are excited to have you following our class blog!

  4. I can't believe you've finished your second week already! My guys are so happy that Mrs. Koch is getting stronger and healthier everyday, before we know it, she'll be off her oxygen. Although they will miss getting to turn the oxygen off and on when she needs to go up and down the stairs ;) Looking forward to seeing what you'll all accomplish next week!

    Neysa (D+G's mom)

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave us a comment. I am feeling better every day and your boys have been a big help to me. I will be more than glad to send back the oxygen machine and my "dog leash" tubing. You'll have to be sure and check back tomorrow for Palmer and Dashiell's great blog post.

  5. 看到你们真的是太高兴了,我现在已经回到中国,我们也开始上课了。

    1. HC Learning Pod Students,

      Here is a translation of Luke's comment:
      "I am so happy to see you guys. I have now returned to China, and we have started classes."

      Luke, thank you for taking the time to comment on our blog!
      " 卢克,感谢您抽出宝贵时间在我们的博客上发表评论 "

      Mrs. Koch


We had a really great week! by feature blogger, Dashiell and blographer, Palmer

Today was Monday, the first day of the week. Here are some things we did:  First, we did cursive writing. We learned the letters "w&quo...